Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How Low can you Go?

So, a change in events. Hubby got canned. We are still going to Alaska, but we will def. be going budget. So really the decisions will be monetary based. With that said I am going to merge the trip details into a new blog to aid in my new air of positivity. Check it out: A year of happiness.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Alaskan Media Mayhem

So, one of the best parts of traveling for me is Music. Usually, I like to see live music and take in what the culture has to offer. Using ipod music only when there is a void of cultural sound and indigenous music. However, since I will still be in America and live music is often hard to find in the wilderness, I want to expand my musical horizon. I will download anything that you suggest barring that I don't already know it and hate it. Your suggestions will make the soundtrack of my trip. This is huge because each trip is filled with memories and music often triggers those memories.

Amsterdam reminds me of the Rhythm and Drum Festival and Common. Perhaps, the whitest rap show in the world. They also had street Rave/Parade and lots and lots of techno.

Ecuador- Manu Chao for sure. If you don't know who he is, you best get down downloading.

Paris- Jazz of ourse.

The list goes on and on.

So post your comments and hopefully this new soundtrack will embed you in my memory as well.

Books- On every vacation I buy a book. This may seem like a small feat for you, but as a librarian I never buy books. On vacation I always buy books. I only buy one, and I read relentlessly when I have time. We do so much on vacation it is hard for me to read more than one. I like to read things either from the country I am in, or that will inspire me. I don't really have any good ideas for reading material. I like books that will inspire me or touch me in a small but profound way. I have areading list, with some titles on it (Last exit to Brooklyn, the Monkey Wrench Gang, Olivia Kittenridge, and more), but none of them seem a good fit for this trip. So, if I get three suggestions they will eb the next poll.

Remember, this blog doesn't exsist without you. BTW, I booked the cabin with no indoor plumbing.